Friday, May 22, 2009

What's this?

Look what came in the mail today:

It didn't come to the wrong address. It's for her:

Oh. My. Goodness.
It's not like it's a surprise to me, I registered the child for Kindergarten, after all. But really. I have this tight feeling in my chest every time I think about her starting school. I never expected to feel this way. I figured I'd been through the hardest days, those first few weeks after I went back to work when she was one. Then I had the gift of another whole year of being at home when Aaron was born. When both of them started off to daycare, I was convinced THAT was the hard stuff. She was so sad in her first few days of daycare. I've never come so close to quitting my job, jumping ship on my career as I was in those days. Then gradually she made friends, began to look forward to her days there, and begged to stay longer at pick-up time. Now the daycare staff and the kids are a central part of all of our lives and she is flourishing there.

Just like she'll do in Kindergarten. She's just that kind of kid. Very sociable, so extroverted and self-assured, eager to make new friends and see new things.

She's not likely to be the one with the tears come September.

Fortunately, there was no mail of the sort for Aaron today. He's officially enrolled in drool-er-garten by the looks of his shirt today!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a milestone ahead for little Miss M.

    (I love your posts...drool-er-garten LOL)
