Saturday, June 6, 2009

Sleep, anyone?

It has been a busy busy week at daycare for the two smallest people in our house. I fully expect by tonight they will either fall asleep in their supper or have raging crying fits through supper and, once talked down off the ledge, fall asleep quickly in their beds!

The week started with a visit from the Literacy Links facilitator who is checking out Meredith's readiness for Kindergarten. She'll be coming for four weeks, an hour at a time, to work through various literacy skills with Miss M. Needless to say, she didn't have a lot of remedial suggestions after her visit on Monday! Monday also was Welcome to Kindergarten night so Meredith met Madame Katie, checked out her new classroom, and received a goodie bag stuffed full of Kindergarten prep stuff. She spied the class pet (a fish), played with the toys, and speculated about which cubby she'd keep her shoes in. The next day she asked if she could start Kindergarten right away instead of waiting until September. She so excited. I'm tearful.

Aaron began the transition from the Infant room at Daycare to the Toddler room. It's a big step, away from the physical space he has become so familiar with over the past 14 months, and more importantly away from the four incredible caregivers who have been by his side five days a week. It means moving to a bigger room, new toys, and sharing the same playground that Meredith plays on. He's so excited, I'm tearful. :)

Meredith had a full day of fun on her farm field trip with Nana on Wednesday. We are now well versed in the technique for picking up a chick, as it's been described to us all in extraordinary detail on more than one occasion! Apparently she also got to milk a goat. When Daddy asked her if she drank the milk, she looked at him as if he had two heads and said "Daddy! It wasn't ready yet!"

Not a hundred percent sure I want to know what she thinks happens to the milk to make it "ready."

Thursday, Meredith went to Kids Fest with her pals from daycare. As it rained on and off all day, I kept feeling sorry for the soggy kids and damp teachers, but apparently they managed to take in mostly activities in tents so they emerged only slightly moistened! The Amazing Karen tells me the kids had a blast and were exceptionally well behaved. How do those daycare teachers do it.....

In honor of Kids Fest, Meredith wore the "Friends" t-shirt she and her Monkey buddies made (under the supervision of The Amazing Karen) at daycare. How cool is this?

To top it all off, Friday was Dave's birthday!

Mmmmmm, Ice Cream Sundae Pie!

Time for a nap for all of us, I think.

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