Thursday, April 23, 2009

Potty talk

Aaron seems to using the potty more regularly these days, both at home and at daycare. Seems in the last few days if his diaper is off, he manages to make it to the potty in time to work it all out. It's kind of like his office....the bathroom step stool is his table, and his kind sister keeps him supplied with a steady supply of reading material! Our potty of choice is this fabulous Baby Bjorn one piece potty. It's lower to the ground than most, has a built-in 'shield' at the front, and no pot to pull out to dump. Read: no pot for Aaron to pull out to dump on the floor!

In addition to using the potty more regularly, he's taken to saying "No Mommy!" more regularly, as was happening here:

I love this one....clear evidence of what hard work potty training is!

Good thing the weather is starting to warm up. Walking around the house with no pants could be chilly mid-winter! Yellow rubber boots clearly make the outfit...

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