It's a good thing Aaron is so darn cute. Today he seemed to wake up with an extra dose of naughty in his veins. He would have gone to daycare in nothing for a diaper, had it not been for Meredith. Just in the last week he's begun using the word "NO!" with the regularity that most people blink. Or breathe. He adamantly refused to let mommy or daddy help him get dressed, get into his booster seat, or get his breakfast. She got his clothes on. Sloooowwwwwlllly, but she got his clothes on. She got him to sit at the table. She got him to eat some breakast. Thank God for Meredith!
So eventually he got dressed. Ate. Got to daycare. Tried to bite another child.
This is not the first time this has happened. He has an 'incident report' hanging on his little locker a few days a week due to biting. It's frustrating, and mortifying, and sad. The daycare staff are so amazing, and are doing a great job of dealing with Aaron and dealing with me! Today they tried something new. Aaron was sent to the daycare director's office, and had to sit in the chair by her desk. They've tried having him in a highchair in the infant room, in the kitchen area in the infant room, and sitting in the hallway, so they escalated it today. 23 months old and in the principal's office already. :) Hopefully the seriousness of it all will eventually sink into his little red head.
When we got home, he went straight to the wet snow and water on top of the hot tub and splashed it until the front of his clothes was saturated.
Then in classic Aaron fashion, just before I could blow a gasket, he picked up a little scrap of something off the deck and began dancing and playing his "flute" to the tune of The Farmer in the Dell.
It's a good thing he's so darn cute.
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