We've eagerly been anticipating the arrival of this person:
for some time now! Nana (aka my stepmother Marilyn) has come from B.C. for a visit. If you see someone running from our house with her hands over her ears, looking for a moment of solitude, that might be her. :) Please offer her a cup of tea. She's been to swimming lessons with us, to daycare with us, read stories, wiped noses and baked muffins with us. And on the weekend she rode in the car with us for the 3 1/2 hours it takes to get to Deloraine and the 3 1/2 hours it takes to get home. As I was packing a bag of snacks to take in the car shortly after the kids ate breakfast I could see she was wondering what I was doing.
I said, "I give it three minutes before one of them asks for a snack in the car."
She said, "But Aaron just ate three bowls of cereal for breakfast."
1.5 minutes into the trip, the first snack request was made.
We kept driving for a bit, distracted by the cars and dogs and TRACTORS, but eventually the first snack was doled out as the ants in the pants got worse. And the second snack. And when she passed back the third snack she asked the question of the day:
"What happens when the snacks run out?"
"Pray for Tim Horton's."
Anyhow, so off we went to Deloraine on the weekend so Nana could visit her family and the kids and I could fit in another visit with Grandma G.
We visited every playground in town, stopped for ice cream, and took Grandma out to visit the cemetery again.
It was a beautiful prairie day.
As an added bonus, we also got a visit in with Nana's brother and his family on the farm where she grew up. There was something to suit everyone's fancy:
a new friend for Meredith
and the stuff of books and dreams come to life for little Aaron!
It was a great, busy, exhausting weekend. I think we all slept deeply last night.
Next up on the list of events for Nana Fest 2009? Accompanying Meredith on her nursery school farm field trip on Wednesday. Stay tuned!
What a great Nana!!